(Discussion Board Files courtesy of Matt Muller)


Subject: haunted prisons

From: manz@nevada.edu (KATHLEEN MANZ)

Date: 27 Apr 1995 22:07:26 GMT

Message-ID: <3np4iu$vv@news.nevada.edu>


I have heard that the prison in Indian Springs, Nevada has a haunted

unit. It is always noisiest unit-- even at night when everybody is

asleep. Guards will go to investigate loud noises and find nothing,

noises have even come from the roof and there was nothing there. Inmates

and guards have seen faces in windows and on second look find nobody there.

Has anybody else heard of haunted prisons.  here's the address; Southern Desert Correctional Center, Indian Springs Nv. well, that's all that's listed in the phone book- so here's the phone

number too: (702)-486-3888 And the administrative offices: 2770 S. Maryland Pky Las Vegas, Nv 89109  (702)-486-6580


Actually, I don't know if there has been anything published. My husband

used to work out there as a corrections officer and would tell me

stories he had heard. And did notice one unit that was always noisy- even

when everybody was asleep and that unit also had the most trouble among

the inmates.   I believe it was Unit 3.




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